baru bangun nih dah wat tag.. sungguh berwibawa org nih kan..? haha
1.How late did you stay up last night and why?
- hohoho last night..? awal tido beb… dlm pukul 11 pm gitu
2.What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?
- jap2 check dlu saper..(check phone) owh my friend.. bah..
3.Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a E?
- Endak (x pernah lorh)
4.Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
- Nk ukur gune pembaris ker nih..? (klu pembaris xcukup panjang camner..? )
5.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
- Phone sy nih selalu jak org call… tp selalu jak MISS CALLED! Apa motif? Nak sy call? Hampeh…
6.Ever kissed anyone 18 or older?
- Hohoho lebih dah soklan ko ni SOPI… pernah la bah…
7.Do you miss anyone?
- Sy lom ada lagi kawan yg menang tittle miss ni Unduk Ngadau bleh..? (yup I miss somebody… ueekkk rahsia!)
8.What does your 8th text message say?
- Jap2 amik balik phone sy yg di charge… apsal la sibuk sangat Tag nih haih..
(Haha.. gila.. sa da ckap kn.. dia main2 jee…)
9.Have you held hands with anyone today?
- xder kowt… sy pegang tangan sendiri jak… wakaka
10.Do you regret anything?
- regret la.. apsal la tag ni panjang sangat.. seb bek sy ni rajin.. hhaa
11.What are you excited about?
- now..? very excited lar… next question! hahaha
12.Plans for tonight
- tonight ? sy xmain plan la.. bantai jer…
13.Seven days from now will you be in a relationship?
- memang la… adeeii xkan nak putus hubungan kekeluargaan kan?
Special? I don’t think so….
14.What are you doing tomorrow?
- apsal tya esok? Lusa nyer bleh x..? erm lusa sy g registeration utk sem baru yuhhhuuu….!
15.Do you like to cuddle?
- Kadel..? aiks..? erm… xsuka… mengkadel bleh x? adeeii…
16.What are your plans for the weekend?
- Im going to church.. after that hanging out my cousins… lalala
17.Whats your hair look like today?
- Pandangan sy terhadap rambut erm.. kabur-kabur… wakaka.. biasa la rambut bgn dari tido gerenti la tsunami style…
18.What are you doing right now?
-wat tagged yg panjang nih la… bila la nak habis ooiii!
19.What was the last thing you ate?
- last thing? Telan air liur… nyum3…
20.Ever go camping?
- lah ni jadi rutin la klu time school tak yah tye.. next!
21.Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
- penah..! im very sad bout this.. suddenly my “precious gold” jatuh… wakaka
22.Do you like birds?
- ni bird (burung) ka “bird” (cewek) atau “bird” (paham2 la) … ko ni Sopi tya biar jelas… kang jadik kontroversi mati gue…
23.Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
- honestly xphm la annoyance nih… sekolah sy x tinggi setakat 3 tingkat jak…
24.Who do you tell everything to?
- gila ka? Weiii xkan la sy nak canang satu donia kan? Nope…never..
25.Have you spoken to your mother today?
- mesti la.. hahaha
26.What color is your hair?
- Mud fire… woah.. cam hebat jak nama kan..? biasa lah…
27.Would you kiss the last person you kissed, again?
- bila eh last..? ok2 ingat sudah… yup definitely…
28.Are you happy?
29.Where were you an hour ago?
- at my room tido…
30.Do you have any tattoo/piercings?
31.Do you hate your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
- hate..? but missed her..
32.Do you drink bottled water?
- satu lagi soklan kureng jelas…
ketara soklan yg d translater on the spot dari bahaa melayu.. wakka..
33.Can you make yourself sneeze?
- senang lorh…
34.Do you fall for people easily?
- yup… tolong dukung aku jap gi k… hahaha.. xder la… sy xder kaki ker apa?
(nope xkan la begitu senang kan? Im not easy ok!)
35.What are you listening to right now?
- burung kat luar tu bising sangat… dating pun nak bising
36.How has the week been?
- B.O.R.I.N.G
37.Are you too forgiving?
- yeah… haurs tuh…
38.Do you think you'll be a good mother/father?
- for now… not yet la… tgk la camner 10 tahun or 20 thn akan datang..
im gonna be super duper DAD…!
39.What is the last thing you spent money on?
- err bla eh..? asal kuar jak my sis yg belanja.. ok la tuh..
40.Congratulations! You just had a baby boy whats his name?
- Baby..!! haha yelah xkan pgl lain kan?
41.Last thing you bought at the mall?
- err tiket wayang? Hahaa…
42.Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
- la baju biasa la… nak gak detail ker..? adoooiii
43.Do you take the escalator, elevator or steps?
- 1st.. jalan masuk (steps) 2nd pg ke lift (elevator).. 3rd klu ramai org nek la escelator
44.Last time you were at the playground?
- selalu jak “limpas” sana tp ndak main la..
45.Do you order more when you don't have to pay?
-wakaka.. ndak juga,, takut klu ndak cukup duit mati la kna cuci piring (pinggan)
46.Sports you've played?
- Bowling…Badminton..Archery…congkak..batu seremban.. wah gerenti lari topic… next..!
47.What did your last text say, and whos it from?
- memang la tag ni aku geraammm tol….. (amik balik phone yg tengah charging)
From Gwau : Jesus never fails. He knows ur desires. He’s looking at your tears.. thanks wau…
48.What are you obsessed with?
- ntah la.. sume benda pun obsess…
49.Would you rather skydive or bungee jump?
- dua2 pun xnak… rela tgk org tu jer buat… bleh?
50.What's one place you would like to visit?
- Rio De Janeiro51.
How are you feeling today?
- ngantoookkk
52.Last restaurant you went to?
- Apple Café kat 1 Borneo
53.Do you like someone right now?
- adooiii yeah I like someone.. nah dapat jawapan skema.. kanz…
54.Do you have a dirty mind
- otak kuning tu penting wor… xberkembang la ilmu kita klu xder…
55.What would you do if you saw a person fall down a flight of stairs?
- adoooiii cian nya… xcukup ruang eh?
56.Anything weird happen to you recently?
- yup… heran camner aku leh bangun awal… adeeiii
57.Person you want to tag
- Bossing
- Stefyanie
- Pijul
- Josh
- Nucy
-wah siap jugak... cheers-