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not-E-Nuff-nang.. WHAT?? NUFFNANG!!

i've been blogging for years...!! but then i never received any earnings from nuffnang.. so sad.. huhuhuh...

can anybody tell / teach me how to raising the RM..???

can u see?? only RM 1.93 for 3 years?

punya kasian.. hahaha


GladysDavid said...

Blog more on the adverts you have. That'll get more ppl from search engine that is looking to stumble upon the ads you carry. More Clicks.

Virgonz said...

thank you for that.. hehe... i'll try it..

Mama Murai said...

For my opinion apa yang you perlu buat, tingkatkan trafik dan memilih niche yang sesuai untuk blog you. kalau nak lebih cepat join innity atau advertlets sebab sykt ini x pilih bulu dalam memasukkan iklan. Nuffnang payah sikit, susah nak dapat CPM

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