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Stacy AF6 - High notes and Whistle register

Can you believed it...?? Stacy also can do the Whistle register... (Nikki and Idayu terror about this things)

take a look... but sorry the video quality is bad.... hehehe....

Hope u'all can comment on it...


Stacy @ Jomheboh Penang

When I Grow Up (Pussy Cat Dolls)

Aku Stacy

Persembahan dari hati (duet with Jaclyn Victor)

hope u'all enjoy watch this videos

credited to hallebraggs @ youtube


Yoga BANNED..!?


Catholics also not in favour of Yoga

Kota Kinabalu: Muslims are not the only ones who are having reservations on yoga.

Sacred Heart Cathedral Youth Counsellor, George Thien, said the Catholic church's advice to Christians is also "not to go for it."

Thien was commenting on the National Fatwa Council's Fatwa (edict) banning Muslims from practising yoga, which is said to involve mantra (chants) and the concept of oneness with God which are based on Hindu beliefs and, thus, deviate the faith of Muslims.

George said it is not difficult to understand the reason for the Fatwa.

"They believe in one God and not in any other. Meditation in yoga is like tapping into a different realm but where is the source?

"We (Christians) believe in Jesus Christ and that every peace and joy only comes from the Lord. That's why we don't go deep into yoga."

A yoga instructor concurred George's view that Christians, generally, were also against yoga.

However, she said there are some Christians who see the benefits of the various yoga exercises but abstain from the chants and meditation aspects.

In fact, certified Yoga Society instructor Beeda Christina Gautier said there are many types of yoga that do not involve meditation or chanting but this is not helped by a misconception about the age-old practice, leading to the anxiety.

She said the yoga she teaches, called Hatha yoga, does not entail chanting but physical exercise, which incorporates intricate breathing techniques.

"The main objective of yoga is ultimately to have peace of mind...I tell my students that yoga is awareness of your body, a journey of health.

"There are so many types of yoga but we don't do chanting or meditation at all, just body conditioning exercise," she said, referring to her thrice-weekly classes in Bornion Centre, Luyang.

Beeda was of the opinion that because of the way yoga was normally portrayed, especially on television, the public generally tend to perceive that everything about yoga had to involve spirituality.

"Yoga originated from the Himalayas thousands of years ago, it came even before religion. But along the way, there have been many schools (of yoga), where some practice chanting, then it becomes religion-based," she said, adding those that involve meditation are, among others, Mantra yoga, Tantra yoga and Raja yoga.

She said besides Muslims, some Christians also questioned if she practised meditation. "I show them through the Internet that Hatha yoga is not about meditation."
Nevertheless, Beeda is not worried how the Fatwa will affect her classes, saying she only has two Muslim students.

Michelle, who runs the Scott Michelle fitness centre in Damai, here, also echoed Beeda's sentiments, saying yoga was not all about closing one's eyes and chanting to a higher being.
Being a Christian, she was also against yoga meditation but as far as she is concerned the sessions at her centre did not involve chanting.

"I don't instruct the yoga session but in my centre we only stretch and tone.
"Yoga for me is not a religious issue, unless it involved meditation, so I do not interfere with the sessions," she said.

With the new fatwa, Michelle said she had no problem adhering to the law.
"I will obey the law É if it (yoga) is not meant for Muslims then I will not encourage it."


so kitorang sumer kena la patuh kepada ajaran agama masing-masing...


Stacy AF6 @ Jom Heboh Penang

credited to Sir Mart Outdoorgraphy™'s photostream
this is Stacy pictures @ Jom Heboh Penang
Stacy sang three songs
- When I Grow Up
- Aku Stacy
- Persembahan dari Hati (duet with Jaclyn Victor)


Aramaiii tii...

hehehe last nite kitorang singarung wah kita...?? bleh katakan la... tapi sy minum sikit jakk...

its just because sja mau cuba2 hahaa.....
quite good la vodka + 7up hahaha.... wanna try more.... wahhh.....


Inilah rupa botol tersebut setelah habis diminum.... hahaha
Ni la birthday boy... wahh... masi boy kah tu...??
Selain vodka.. ni pun dorang belasah.... CHIVAS REGAL 18 YEARS (giler ingat murah ker sebotol her leh mencecah rm 600.00 lbh)
amik dari internet... hehehe....
selain itu kitorang ada gak panggan memanggan sedikit... hihikk.... tapi satu perkara yang tidak bleh miss adalah tgk persembahan STACY kat JOMHEBOH kat BATU KAWAN, PENANG...
time tu Stacy nyanyi 3 buah lagi iaitu :
When I Grow Up
Lagu nih stacy nyanyi dengan mantap sekali.. digabungkan ngan tariannya fuhh.... hebatlah....
Aku Stacy
Erm... lagu nih mmg menjadi favourite para penonton... hehehe... byk sgt sorakan dari peminat... tQ bagi sokongan kepada Stacy hikhik....
Persembahan dari Hati (duet ngan Jaclyn Victor)
Ni plak aku xpasti samaada mata sy ni rabun atau x.. sbb ketara sangat Stacy ngan Jac ni tgk lirik... erm korang perasan tak... tapi xpe la... lagu baru tu... hehehe....
so tu jer la... k....

Kembar siam..

lama dah i nak post benda ni tapi x cukup ilham... wah ilham kunuk... wakaka...
actually apa yg gue mau post ni adalah mengenai kembar...
so jom kita check apa yg kembar ni... hehehe....

Stacy AF6 vs. Hannah Montana

erm.. entahlah.... gigi taring tu kot yang wat dorang ni sama2 kiut.. hehehe...

ramai gak yang mengatakan muka meraka berdua ini serupa.. cuma Hannah ni blonde... yer ke...?? jom lihat...

Bunga Citra Lestari vs. Scha Al - Yahya

erm yang ni ada iras2 skett... tah la tu bagi pendapat sy la... mungkin sy rabun kot... wakaka... Bunga ni dari Indonesia (saper x kenal kan...) Scha plak dari Malaysia.. baru berkembang bakatnya.. tp Scha ni Dewi Remaja 2006 tau... (nasib Ashraf Sinclair x keliru..)

Marsha AF3 vs. Tia AFI (Akademi Fantasi Indosiar)

ni plak aku x pasti plak... kembar ker tax... korang sendirik la tgk...

opppsss hehehe.. sebelum tu ni cover REMAJA yg menobatkan Scha sebagai Dewi Remaja..



this video also make me proud of Nikki's abilities in whistle register...
in Malaysia not many Malaysian artiste can do like this...

take a look

Nikki first album "Maharani" in english mean Empress

Nikki's Vocal Profile

Vocal Type : Dramatic Coloratura Soprano
Low Note : B3
High Note : B7
Vocal Range :4 Octaves



Fan Forum






Really admire them...!!

The Chong's sisters really lawa owh... hehehe... while surfing internet so i fonud this... wanna post so all of u can see how lawa they is... hehehe...

Vanessa really have a bright future in modelling career....



I would like to congratulate to both Ida Nerina and Tania Khan where finished 3rd place overall in the Amazing Race Asia Season 3 "Toughest Race Ever"....

This is the final result where Ida and Tania Finished 3rd...

1st place - Sam and Vince ( Hong Kong ) They bring back the USD 100,000.00
2nd place - Geoff and Tisha ( Phillipine )

3rd place - Ida and Tania (Malaysia)

Another team that represent Malaysia is Henry and Bernie. Where they only managed put themselve on top 5 (okay lah tu...)

what was i most proud of is after 3 seasons. All the Malaysians team were in top 5 overall.

Tara 1 - Joe Jer and Zabrina (1st place)

- Andrew and Syeon (3rd place)

Tara 2 - Pamela and Vanessa (2nd Place)

- Anne and Diane (4th place)

Tara 3 - Ida and Tania (3rd place)

- Henry and Bernie (5th place)

Congrats to all Malaysian team... next season dont forget to watch me oaky... wakaka...

Owkay.... erm adeeiii.... wat..???

Hahaha dunno how to intro la ... belasah jak la.... Actually April hari tu kitorang ada pg Kundasang – Ranau... so semalam when im looking at my album folder the found this lah.. so daripada biar kan berhabookk kat folder gue tu its more betta i post it...

So tgk2 jak la... okay... (maap bahasa rojak... biasa-lah i ni kan kacukan... wah)

This is how the story begin... kitorang dapat hadiah promosi dari kolej so hadiah yg kitorang dapat iteww adalah “Riang Ria Strawberry” hahaha mcm kanak2 riang jak... cett korang ah...

So perjalanan dimulai dengan menaiki bas persiaran.....(wah dalam pic ni bkn sy ah... just gambar hiasan jekk...)

Ahh.... this is me.... adeeii xkan xkenal kot.... Im in da middle between manusia2 itu... haha...

So on our way lot of places kitorang limpas... Eh xpaham limpas eh..?? kat sabah tu maksudnya LALU... hahaha...

My route....

[Kota Kinabalu --> Menggatal (eh helloo ni nama tempat ok...!) --> Telipok --> Tuaran (uuaarGGhh my hometown) --> Tamparuli (Kg. Marsha AF3.. actually kg sy juga nih...) --> Pekan Nabalu --> Bundu Tuhan --> Kinabalu Park --> Kundasang --> Ranau...]

So our first pitstop is.... Pekan Nabalu... Let me introduce a little bit about this place... Pekan Nabalu is a small township and it main attraction is the Big Pineapple (ni mcm tugu la adeeii) welcomes you... The handicraft market building also attract tourist because of its design look like the Rungus Long House.

Ni laaaa Pekan Nabalu

Majestic Mount Kinabalu

Pekan Nabalu Handicraft

Kitorang berhenti sekejap jer.. sbb nak tunggu bas yg laen lambat betool.... Then continue our journey to Kinabalu Park (Malaysia’s 1st World Heritage Site) Bahasa melayunya adalah Tapak Warisan Dunia Malaysia yg pertama.... ada paham...?? bagus.... i like...
Here some pictures that i took... enjoy...


tu la vokalis kumpulan Banjir.. wakaka.. mati aku...

Ermm lobess if u view this.. kiri sekali tu lah Mondokz.. wakkaa....

This place really sejuk... more cooler than Genting Higland.. lots of my friends admitted.. ya lah dah di siring (another sabahan words maksudnya TEPI) Gunung tertinggi kat Malaysia so apa yg ko harapkan...?? LOPIKY la sendirik... hahaha...

Our group photo together-gether... haha... (sori la klu english teruukk belasah jer ni...)

adakah patot pondok sekuriti pun nak posing...? (patut la bah sudah lawa lantak la)

can u find where i am...??

erm ada yg berkenan x gades2 sekalian...?? haha..

erm syiok (seronok) bah ni tempat...

Next..... we’re going to Kinabalu Pine Resort, untuk makan tengahari. resort ni terletak di kaki gunung gak still sejuk dan nyaman la tempat nih....

Selamat menjamu selera....

lawa x small fountain nih...?? haha dekat toilet ni....

Permandangan sekitar resort......

nih la tempat kitorang momom (makan)

Jangan tiru aksi ini....

Pastu kitorang teruskan perjalanan pergi Ranau Hot Spring..... x byk sgt gambar sbb sibuk beli souvenir jer so tgk la apa yg ada k....

Canopy walk
Mamut river

Sebenarnya tempat ni ada hot spring .. tapi time kitorang pg sana kolam tu tgh di renovation so xder la gambar... sorikkk...

Afterwards we’re heading back to strawberry and rose garden..

Lepas tu sebelum balik.. singgah sekejap kat pekan kundasang nih... nak beli sayur dan segala mcm jenis buah-buahan dan bunga. Owh ya before that time kat Rose Garden tadikk.. kat sana ada jual bunga ros tau harganya RM1.00 sekuntum.. percaya x...?? percayalah......

Pastu kitorang balik KK... tapi semasa perjalanan pulang tu... tetiber jak nampak sesuatu yg erm membanggakan la... xsangka ...

gambar kenangan

gambar dengan abg drebar.. wahh...

ni la yg i ckp tadik tu... “World Highest Via Ferrata Sky Walking On Mt. Kinabalu..”

Tertinggi kat dunia tu.. mana mau carikk....?? hahaha....

Okay that all for this time.. hope u’all enjoy la...
Sebenarnya time trip ni sy terlupa nk bawa camera so gambar2 ni amik dari kengkawan la tu pasal xbyk tu...

So creditted to – Azlan, Ivy and Connie... thanks bagi i curik gambar korang....
- cheers -
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