after that we all decided to stop nearby Kundasang Town to buy some fresh vegetables, fruits, flowers and manymore... the KWM also located at Kundasang Town.

after that, all of us take our lunch at Ranau Town, and rest for a while before continue our journey to Poring Hot Spring.

Leave them alone, group B continue our journey to canopy walkway... few minutes later kami pun sampai di visitors counter information. paling menyedihkan, dorang cakap "all of u need to wait here before go up (canopy) cos right now, the tourists up there is estimated around 150 peoples...!!" by that time behind us still got long Q. the Ricky (the person who in charge our visit asked them) how long we need to wait...? she answered "Mmmmm... about 1 1/2 hours..."
adddooooii matilah time tuh dh jam 3 lbh klu x silap.. so kiotang menyimpang kejap pg Kipungit Waterfall... kot2 la otw balik nanti dah berkurangan org kan...? (sob...sob...sob..)
adddooooii matilah time tuh dh jam 3 lbh klu x silap.. so kiotang menyimpang kejap pg Kipungit Waterfall... kot2 la otw balik nanti dah berkurangan org kan...? (sob...sob...sob..)

then setelah lbh kurang 30 - 45 minit massage, kaki pun dah syiok balik... apa tidak hiking bh kami nih.. kunun la... hahaa... kami pun balik la... sebelum tu pg tya balik sna counter canopy tu kot2 la boleh sudah kan... sekali tya... dorang bilang masih ada 200 org lagi bulum turun dari sana... (mesti korang binggung kan? mcm mana tu kanopy leh menampung 200 org...? mmg tidak bleh pun... cuma diatas tu sebelum pg canopy got station so tourist yg lebih2 tu kenalah tunggu di station tuh... tunggu yg lain...)
for those yg tidak tau apa tuh canopy walkway, dan kenapa bh famous sangat tu sampai berjuta2 org mau try... (deeiii telebih lagik...) jom kita tgk apa tu barang...
for those yg tidak tau apa tuh canopy walkway, dan kenapa bh famous sangat tu sampai berjuta2 org mau try... (deeiii telebih lagik...) jom kita tgk apa tu barang...
Canopy walkways are bridges between and in the canopy of a forest; mostly linked up with platforms inside or around the trees. They were originally intended as access to the upper regions of ancient forests for scientist who conduct canopy research. After they turned out to provide a limited one-dimensional access to the trees, they were abandoned for canopy cranes. Today they serve as ecotourism attractions, such as the canopy boardwalk in Dhlinza Forest, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Canopy walkway kat poring nih ada yg mencecah sehingga 40 meter dari paras bumi.. tinggi tuh...!! klu ko tengok bawah gerenti la terbeliak... hahaha... mengerikan... tp next time klu pegi sini harus try canopy nih...

next destination...? BALIK....!!! hahaha
ok.. pasni ni entry seterusnya sy akan post la citer pasal SHCA CAMP '09 (SHCA tu maksudnya School Of Hospitality and Culinary Arts) yg dibuat kat Mahua Waterfall, Tambunan. yg dibuat hari khamis lepas... korang tunnnngggggguuuuuuuu.... hehee..
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