1. Nyatakan usia blog anda
Well blog sy akan mencapai usia 1 tahun pada Julai 2009.. hehehe.. xsangka dah 1 tahun, klu baby ni dah leh berjalan sikit2... but that time xder la byk sgt post...
2. Terangkan kenapa anda ber'blogging'
Ramai org ckp yg blogging ni membosankan dan menyusahkan. for its not that hard (unless u ni bebal sgt... sorry for those yg terasa. but u need to go forward man...) actually i dnt have main purpose cos im just like to blogging.
3. Nyatakan blog pertama yang anda baca
The lucky blog is Joe Lee's Blog iaitu Klubbkidd.com yup... this is the 1st blog sy baca / lawat.
4. Letakkan entry pertama dalam blog anda
My first entry entittled (click it to enter my first post) "Holiday.... My First Post...!!" dated : July 10th 2008. im very excited that time. almaklum la pes time berblogging kan... xsilap malam tu sempat g chatting kat CR Stacy Frendz.
5. Huraikan entry tersebut
The story is about my ........
"Ok i like to wrote bout my journey and everything.... so daripada buat diary lebih bagus buat blog kan...?? Erm i start will my holiday trip to KL (july 7th 2008 - monday). so when we (me and my sis) sampai di KKIA kami pegi check-in then they said our flight schedule has been delay... They said our flight from KK to KL delay to 11am..!!! Wow takajut la.... Mungkin dorang mau kasi senang hati sy then their give us free voucher breakfast at airport.."
yeah that was a sneak peek (wah cam filem plak ada benda tuh.. wakaka...) that post story about my holiday and my traumatic moment to waited the flight 7 HELL HOURS...!!! adedeh terukkan..?
6. Letakkan satu pic paling anda suka dalam blog anda

7. Harapan anda...
Well i hope all my readers will got something from my blog and can share it with all of our friends. thats all... (wah cam cerita sedih plak... weiii aku belum nak pegi la...)
8. Sesaper yg nak di TAG..?
- Steffy
- Juensen
- Flojerz
- Josh
tu saja, so korang yg diTAG sy x bagitau. so klu korang x wat tag ni maksudnya korang x baca entry sy hohohoh... sedih2...
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