wat is Mahua?
Mahua Waterfall is a plunge type waterfall located in Kg. Patau, Tambunan, Sabah, Malaysia. It became one of the most important tourist site for the people of the district.
The height of this waterfall is uncertain. Some source puts it 9 metres, another 15 metres and yet another 17 metres.
Leaving Tambunan in the direction of Ranau, you will reach Kg Patau after 10 or 15 minutes and see a sign post indicating a left turn to the Mahua Waterfall. (If you come from Kota Kinabalu, it would be about a 1 ½ hour ride).
After making that turn, you trundle along a dirt road for 6 km. The first stretch of the road is in relatively good condition, but it gets trickier the farther in you go. My guess is that an ordinary car would encounter difficulties in wet weather. We were in a 4WD, but because it was not one of those rugged 4 x 4 work horses, we did experience some sticky moments.
Eventually, we came to a large clearing along which a river rushed. This marked the end of the road. The track was rather muddy and to avoid getting our vehicle stuck, we walked the rest of the way in to the Mahua Sub-station which had been financed by the Japan International Co-operational Agency (JICA). A friendly caretaker there maintains an office and collects an entrance fee of RM3 per person. For that fee, you also get to use the extremely clean toilets.
ok clear aboout Mahua? then continue to my story.... cewah... ahhaa
this trip is actually our final project (Recreation Management) so all of us decided to choose Mahua as our camping site... (recreation).
actually me and other student supposed to join with the others (1st trip) but we got another event and that was PRESIDENT LIST AWARDS. so all of us will depart from college around 12noon... huhu...
when we are arrived there, the others who arrived earlier is setup the camps... phewww rileks sikit... ahaha... no lah... penat juga bh kan duduk dalam van tuh...

sampai sini dulu cerita sy k.... kita jumpa di part II...
Very nice: I hope to visit this on the way to Karmel Kaingaran...
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