Okay now im really pissed off with all the people who like to comparing others...!!! haih.. xder keje lain eh?
ok im talk about all the Philipinos (im not racist bh) yg suka sangat membandingkan artis dorang ngan artis Malaysia lbh2 lagi Regine Velasques ahh watever her name are.. yeah dia memang well-known internationaly pg hollywood la pe bende kan? apalah sgt nak banding ngan artis Malaysia...? lagi2 nak banding ngan Siti (sorry jan sakit hati peminat Siti yeah.. cos im also one of her fans)
Masalahnya disini.... dorang ni (phils) suka sgt nak banding notes lar... belting voice lar.. chest voices... watever.. again lol..... nak banding org pun with the wrong person....
Masalahnya disini.... dorang ni (phils) suka sgt nak banding notes lar... belting voice lar.. chest voices... watever.. again lol..... nak banding org pun with the wrong person....
adakah dorang nak banding ngan Siti...? yes Siti is Malaysia's No 1 artist.. but she's not the holder for highest notes in Malaysia.... (actually dorang sengaja nak sbb nak nampak sgt hebat c Regine tu....) Check the biased vids below...!!
nampak sangatkan ? sengala betul dorang ni... (again im not racist or anti Phil ) so ok here's my review.
yes she (Regine) really has the great power (power melalak) and also the high notes... But Siti also has the great power but she dnt have the high notes... again if u wanna be a great singer u dnt need to have to high notes lar...!!! Siti has the sweet voices tu pasal kena panggil songbird... and again Phils all u compare ngan org yg slh... hello...? xpaham xper....
yes she (Regine) really has the great power (power melalak) and also the high notes... But Siti also has the great power but she dnt have the high notes... again if u wanna be a great singer u dnt need to have to high notes lar...!!! Siti has the sweet voices tu pasal kena panggil songbird... and again Phils all u compare ngan org yg slh... hello...? xpaham xper....

hah.. ni lagi satu... dorang xpuas hati nak hentam Siti (ni pasal Siti menang Grand Prix Voice Of Asia) dah tu nak hentam Jaclyn plak.... addoooiii... xabes2 dorang nih... dorang mmg suka compare2 ni.... so xper kita tgk dulu vids yg biased btl...! (mmg la ssb org dia pun tgk la dari mana...) nickname dia pun manfromphil so agak2 la...
erm what do you think...? apa2 jak lah kan...? hahaha... and yes Jaclyn is considered as the best singer in region... but... but.. ada tapi lagi tau... she still not the holder for the highest notes... (sy ckp gini sbb dorang dok sebuk nak banding2 saper yg lagi tinggi suara... bodoh...)
and yg saya perasan pasal dorang ni sibuk sgt nak gitau yg Regine ni dpt pujian2 merata... FYI... klu ko la jemput or panggil c A ni pg show ko atau ditanya oleh watarwan samaada c A ni bagus atau x.. ko nak ckp buruk eh? mesti la ko nak puji kan? nak jaga reputasi konon... so mmg xheran la klu berlambak org memuji2.. padahal mengkeji... it's reality man...! hehehe... (sori la klu ada yg terasa...)
ok lah la wahai readers sekalian.. nak ker sy speaking ni..? kang ader yg xpaham... ko attention for the people yg suka comparing high notes tuh.... tgk this is the real singer... yg patut ko nak banding ngan c Regine tu...!!
and yg saya perasan pasal dorang ni sibuk sgt nak gitau yg Regine ni dpt pujian2 merata... FYI... klu ko la jemput or panggil c A ni pg show ko atau ditanya oleh watarwan samaada c A ni bagus atau x.. ko nak ckp buruk eh? mesti la ko nak puji kan? nak jaga reputasi konon... so mmg xheran la klu berlambak org memuji2.. padahal mengkeji... it's reality man...! hehehe... (sori la klu ada yg terasa...)
ok lah la wahai readers sekalian.. nak ker sy speaking ni..? kang ader yg xpaham... ko attention for the people yg suka comparing high notes tuh.... tgk this is the real singer... yg patut ko nak banding ngan c Regine tu...!!
yap.. she's the one... FYI she's one of the highest notes holder in Malaysia... watch her vid below...
so camner xpuas hati lagi...? ok tgk ni lagi... Nikki's Whistle Register Collection for her new album entittled Hawa...
yeah... tu lah.. nak compare sgt... ni kita compare.. la...lawan ko chest voice ngan whistle note.... heh geram tol aku ngan dorang...
haha xabis lagi vids ni nak tunjuk kat dorang... haha... ok next vid is about the compilation of Malaysian Whistlers song... both Nikki and Idayu... FYI Idayu has the highest notes in Malaysia, she can easily reach the Mariah Carey High Notes whiches C7 and her vocal ranges is 5 octave !
Idayu Vocal Profile
Regine Velasques Vocal Profile
Idayu Vocal Profile
- Voice Type : Piccolo Coloratura Soprano
- Lowest Note : C2
- Highest Note : C7
- Vocal Range : 5 Octaves
Regine Velasques Vocal Profile
- Voice Type : Lyric Coloratura Soprano
- Lowest Note : B2
- Highest Note : B6
- Vocal Range : 4 Octaves
so camner? B6 jer...? tu la paling tinggi ? kesiannya... adeeiii... vocal ranges ? 4 octave...? yeah right.. haha... FYI dorang xkan mengaku kalah nyer... xsedar kan tu lah...
klu korang dengar ngan btl2... suara Idayu ni seakan2 Mariah Carey... bukan nak tiru.. tp kan vokal dai setinggi Mariah.. so xheran la...
ok next vid is Idayu's latest single tittle Aku Tak Lupa (I Don't Forget) see urself how high her whistle are...
klu korang dengar ngan btl2... suara Idayu ni seakan2 Mariah Carey... bukan nak tiru.. tp kan vokal dai setinggi Mariah.. so xheran la...
ok next vid is Idayu's latest single tittle Aku Tak Lupa (I Don't Forget) see urself how high her whistle are...
ok mcm puas hati x? hehehe... so pls... dnt mest with me..!! haha... bukan apa... xsuka la klu ada org lain nak buruk2 kan kita (Malaysia) and for the Filipinos, dont be too arrogant... cos Regine is dont have the highest notes ok...? BTW, i dnt like all of us fighting pasal benda2 ni... cos all of us are Asian.. so proud of it...
last but not least... enjoy the video below, Nikki sang the part from Queen of The Night Aria..
ok... habis dh jan gado2 k... hehee..
-cheers all- and peace no war!
last but not least... enjoy the video below, Nikki sang the part from Queen of The Night Aria..
ok... habis dh jan gado2 k... hehee..
-cheers all- and peace no war!
Bagus VIR. Puas ati aku baca artikel ko ne... GO MALAYSIA!
ya bah... geram sia kadang2 dorg ni.. suka btl.... bikin panas...
so i stand the right for malaysia..!!
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