herm.... a big day has comes... erkk... not mine.. but my sister... today (July 11th) she will be engage..!! the engagement will be in Punjabi's Tradition... so this kinda a new to me... before this only familiar with kadazan - dusun tradition.. hehe... so cekidaut...!!
engage between Jagjivan and Stefyanie Myla (Myla Kaur)... huuuuhh.. she got the bollywood name already... hehehe...
me and my younger sister mintak puji wakakak...
this-lah the laptop that im using (mine la bh ni) to post all my entry... lately the internet got problem.. actually the modem i think.. so im soory for the late ok...?
this is my sister and her BFF (best friend forever) Kavita... hehe...
photo shoot session i think...
that time she is trying to call my brother tp inda dpt nih... huhuhu,. line busy mgkin...
Jag's younger sister, Sangeeta...
my mom and my dad...
from left - Casey, Mimie, Cindy, and last is the bollywood actor... uiiisehmen... sy bh tu..
this is my aunty (pink colour).. actually klu panggilan manja panggil "Mama" hehehe...
the ceremony began... Jag's mother kalungkan tu rantai....
this is Jag's sister Cimeran... sorry klu slh eja... adedeh...
my mom in Punjabi Suit..!!
Dad blessing them...
upacara menyarungkan cincin....
potong kek.. hahaha...
signing session...
last but not least... picture both of them...
next im going to post about MENTOR final... hehe... sabar ah...
uisss...cantikk nya kakak ko ericc...
ko pun pakai jua ka bju tuee..cehh alah2 actor bollywood laa..pasann.. :P beukk.....
cantik bha kakak ko punya inaii...
sapa yg buat tuee??
hahaha... lawa ka dia? mcm besa jak pun.... haha...
dia p buat d salon kali... nama dia "Boutick"... haha... ko p la buat sini Klang....
besa ja bah hihihi... kalah ckit aiswarya rai (uweekkkkk) hehehee.... nice poc u psted in... rasa sunyi od over here... huhuuuu
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