btw... why non of you ask me... why im going to KL...? or no one read my entry..? hhuuuaargghhh.... ok lah... let me tell u... (walaupun xde yg baca)... huakaka... actually... im going to attend my sister convocation at PWTC... and my sister enggagement... so congrats to u sista...!!
yeah.. so all my family from KK (acutally... just close member lah) going to attend that... after finish all that we are going holiday... hahaha.. ni part paling syiiookkk hahaha..

ok la guys... wish me luck..... haha need to packing 1st.... zhai jien..!!
ooowwhh ya to you Rien... meet you there (KL) ok.. miss you so much..!
Haha... jan ko risau Vir.. ada bah baca ko punya Blog.. and, one of them is Me.. hehe..
Gud Luck Ya... Sister ko engaged dah? wa, teda chance uda sya ni kalu cam ne.. haha..
hahah yach.... my sister going to engage tomorrow....
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