By Sarah Chavey
Daily Arts Writer On March 29th, 2009
Single Review
Zee Avi
“Bitter Heart”
4.5 of 5 stars
From the folky corridors of Jack Johnson’s Brushfire Records comesthe label’s first lady: Zee Avi. The songstress shines on her debut“Bitter Heart,” with heartrending words set to a sunny melody. Herlilting vocals soothe as she croons jazzy warbles with graceful easeover a bouncing double bass and brushed drums. Lyrics like “Bitterheart tries to keep it all inside ... Bitter heart is getting just alittle fragile,” are easier to swallow when complemented by Avi’splayful “doo doo” and “dah dah” injections. Her happy blend of jazzypop is love at first listen.
Well sudah tiba masaya rakyat Malaysia "buka mata" dan tgk la artis kelahiran kita yg sangat bermutu tinggi...
sampai org luar pun berabis berebut Zee Avi ni... kita plak dok sibuk dgr lagu2 yg bkn buatan kita.. huhu.. anyway... good luck to you Avi !
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